AG’s Office Launches Ten Most Wanted Website

The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office launched its “Ten Most Wanted” campaign website on Wednesday. Currently, it features ten people wanted to crimes including murder, rape, domestic assault, child molestation, and drug trafficking.

“The fugitives on this list are a threat to public safety. It is critical that we work together to hold these individuals accountable for their alleged crimes. We hope to enlist the help of all Oklahomans in this campaign to get these dangerous criminals off the street,” said Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond who partnered with the U.S. Marshals Service and other federal, tribal, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies to identify who should be on the list.

Most of the cases have rewards ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 for anyone who provides information directly leading to the arrest of the fugitives on the list.

The list will be updated as individuals are captured and as other criminals’ become a public safety threat.

To view the Attorney General’s 10 Most Wanted list, visit

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