Senator Micheal Bergstrom has filed two education related bills to be considered in the coming legislative session.
Senate Bill 346 would make teachers account for any allegations of misconduct with students.
Senate Bill 348 would require school districts to create policies for handling objections to instructional materials.
Bergstrom’s SB 346 would require full-time teachers seeking new employment or substitute teaching roles to provide a written statement attesting to whether there were any allegations of inappropriate behavior between the teacher and students, or if there is an investigation pending.
“Bouncing predators and problem teachers from school to school must come to an end,” Bergstrom said. “SB 346 is a way to help stop this from happening.”
SB 348 would require objections to instructional materials to be resolved in a timely process. Materials subject to the objection must be removed so that students can no longer access them within five school days.
“Parents should always have access to the materials their children are exposed to in our schools and inappropriate materials need to be exposed and removed from the classroom and libraries,” Bergstrom said. “Senate Bill 348 provides the means to this end.”