Stark Continues Push to Provide Sales Tax Break for Non-Profits

Representative Marilyn Stark isn’t giving up yet on the possibility of allowing smaller non-profits to receive a sales tax exemption. She introduced House Bill 1171 as the vehicle for her legislation during the upcoming legislative session.

HB 1171 would provide a sales tax exemption for non-profits with $3 million or less in annual gross revenue.

“I’ve been working on this policy proposal for several years now, and I hope that this is the year we get it across the finish line,” Stark said. “Thanks to inflation, a dollar, whether it’s donated or provided through a grant, doesn’t have the same buying power it did five years ago. Allowing our nonprofits, which do so much good for our communities, to become exempt from sales taxes would be a great benefit to these organizations and the people they serve.”

Stark ran a similar bill during the previous session. While it passed in the House, it did not get a hearing in the Senate.

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