OK House Passes Bill Bringing Law Enforcement Immediately into Child Abuse, Neglect Cases

The Oklahoma House on Tuesday approved House Bill 1565, which would bring law enforcement into a child neglect or abuse investigation when a referral is received by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS).

Representative Collin Duel authored the bill with the assistance of the Oklahoma District Attorney’s Council.

“Protecting Oklahoma children is the No. 1 priority of this legislation,” Duel said. “Getting law enforcement involved from the moment a claim of abuse or neglect is made can save valuable time in ensuring children are safe and that investigations of abuse or neglect are conducted appropriately.”

The legislation basically begins a criminal investigation at the same time as a DHS investigation into allegations of child abuse or neglect.

HB 1565 passed by a measure of 88 to four. It now begins the journey through the Senate committee process.

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