John Feary of Owasso says he’ll seek the Republican nomination in Senate District 34. District 34 includes northern Tulsa County, parts Skiatook & Sperry, Turley, Collinsville, Owasso and portions of the City of Tulsa.
Feary has been in public service for over 12 years serving the citizens of Tulsa County as a Taxpayer Advocate in the County Assessor’s office for five years and more than seven years at the City of Owasso as Project Administrator and Government Affairs Manager.
“I have dedicated myself to public service in order to help remove the obstacles standing in the way of people celebrating their lives.” Feary stated, “Senate District 34 is a thriving area of Oklahoma that has substantial growth opportunities for new business development and business expansion in every area of industry. Those opportunities, if not hampered by government overreach, will create jobs.”
Feary plans to focus on transportation needs that have a direct effect on District 34 and education funding. “As a father with 5th and 6th grade students in public schools I want to ensure that our children have the resources needed to be successful.” Those resources include adequate classroom funding and higher salaries for teachers. Feary strongly believes that with a consistent transportation funding mechanism accompanied with quality education opportunities that Senate District 34 and all of Oklahoma will become an environment perfectly acclimated for job growth.
“We have a responsibility to provide future generations of Oklahomans, especially our children, the opportunity to live, work, and play right here in Oklahoma,” Feary said.

Sends cold chills up my spine when part of the main message of a Republican is “adequate classroom funding and higher salaries for teachers.” School choice, John, school choice! Get some competition going! And don’t pay all teachers the same: give that higher salary to the best ones but not to the drones.