Doerflinger Takes OSF Leave To Head DHS

Governor Fallin released the following statement regarding the temporary appointment of Secretary of Finance Preston Doerflinger to the position of interim director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS):

“Secretary Doerflinger is a problem-solver with a proven track record of getting results. As the director of the Office of State Finance, he has been instrumental in reforming and consolidating state agencies in a manner that will save millions of taxpayer dollars while improving state services. His leadership and good judgment have helped my administration to deliver on the promise of more efficient and effective state government. I am confident that his appointment as interim director of DHS will serve that agency well as it pursues reforms and continued improvements. I applaud our DHS commissioners for making an excellent choice in Preston.

“My thanks go out as well to Terri White, whose service to both DHS and the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services continues to be exemplary. I know Terri will continue to provide excellent leadership at DMHSAS and to assist in any way she can during this important time at DHS.

“Ultimately, both Terri and Preston are part of a reform effort that all of us in public office have a moral imperative to see succeed:  the reinvigoration of an agency that is charged with protecting our children and the most vulnerable among us. Both of these individuals, as well as the DHS Commission continue to show their commitment to that effort, and I thank all of them for their service.”

Doerflinger is temporarily resigning his post as the director of the Office of State Finance while serving at DHS. Transition Project Manager Carol McFarland will serve as acting director during Doerflinger’s tenure at DHS, after which Doerflinger will return to OSF to resume his duties.  He will continue to serve on Governor Fallin’s cabinet as the Secretary of Finance.

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