Wes, Lou Watkins Endorse Rowe At Durant Fundraiser

Dustin Rowe family

A long list of supporters of 2nd District candidate Dustin Rowe gathered in Durant last night to raise money for Rowe”s campaign and hear former Congressman Wes Watkins and his wife, Lou, endorse Rowe.

A report put the crowd estimate at 150.

Rowe seeks the Republican nomination for Congress. An attorney, he’s the former mayor of Tishomingo (elected while he was still in high school) and once served on Watkins’ congressional staff.

Watkins, in an announcement for the event, wrote, “As a former member of my Congressional staff, I know Dustin Rowe to be a common sense, hardworking, outstanding young man with high moral values and tremendous ability. Lou and I know the citizens of the 2nd Congressional District would be well-served if they elect Dustin Rowe as their Congressman.”

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  1. Rowe supporter, 18 May, 2012

    I agree with Wes Watkins and believe that Dustin Rowe is the man for the job.


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