Drummond Requests Littlejohn Clemency to be Rejected

Ahead of the Oklahoma State Pardon and Parole Board’s August 7 clemency hearing for convicted murdered Emmanuel Littlejohn, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond is requesting clemency to be rejected by the Board.

“Emmanuel Littlejohn is a violent and manipulative criminal who refuses to take responsibility for his actions,” Drummond said. “The family of Kenny Meers has waited 32 long years for justice to be served. The death penalty is the appropriate punishment, and I urge the Pardon and Parole Board to ensure that justice is done.”

Littlejohn was convicted of the murder of Kenny Meers while robbing Meers convenience store in 1992. Meers was 31 years old when he was killed.

Littlejohn is scheduled to be executed on September 26.

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