Mullin Looks to Limit Big Union Reach by Updating Revenue Thresholds

U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin has introduced legislation which would update revenue thresholds for businesses to fall under the jursidiction of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). He’s calling the move a way to protect small businesses from big labor union special interests.

The bill is being called the Small Businesses Before Bureaucrats Act.

“Oklahoma is the proud home of nearly 400,000 small businesses. Our job creators have been burdened for too long by the Biden-Harris administration’s failed economic policies, increased regulations, and now – subversion of the NLRB to advance big union priorities at the expense of small businesses across America. This bill will rein in federal bureaucracy and ensure our entrepreneurs in Oklahoma and across the country can operate their businesses as they see fit,” said Mullin.

Revenue thresholds have not been updated since they were set in 1959. For retail businesses to fall under NLRB jurisdiction, they must have a minimum revenue of $500,000. For any non-retail business, that threshold is $50,000.

According the Mullin, if you adjusted for inflation since 1959, that $500,000 threshold would be a little more than $5.1 million today.

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