State Updates Voter Rolls

Oklahoma’s voter registration rolls have been purged of ineligible voters ahead of the November General Election. More than 453-thousand voter registrations were removed since January 1, 2021. Oklahoma state law mandates the voter registration list be maintained to ensure the security of elections.

“Voting is our most sacred duty as Americans— and every Oklahoman wants to know their vote is securely cast and properly counted. The State Election Board and the Secretary of State’s office continue to go above and beyond in their responsibility to ensure only eligible Oklahomans can vote in our elections. Their progress reassures me we will continue to lead the nation in election integrity efforts,” said Governor Kevin Stitt.

Since January 1, 2021, officials have removed 97,065 deceased voters, 143,682 voters who moved out-of-state, 5,607 felons, 14,993 duplicate registrations, and 194,962 inactive voters who were canceled during the address verification process.

“Oklahoma has a long tradition of doing elections right. Recounts and post-election audits have consistently proven the accuracy of Oklahoma’s voting system, and our laws and procedures are designed to ensure the integrity and security of our elections,” said Secretary of the State Election Board Paul Ziriax.

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