Bice Calls Out Failure of Continuing Resolution to Fund Government

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson’s attempt to pass a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through March and help push through an election security measure failed.

Congresswoman Stephanie Bice, who along with the other four members of Oklahoma Congressional Delegation voted for Johnson’s bill, voiced her disappointment.

“I was disheartened that legislation which seeks to avoid a harmful government shutdown and strengthen American elections failed on the House Floor today. This legislation represented not only a chance to ensure the continuity of essential government services but also offered an opportunity to strengthen our democratic systems.

“Ensuring the integrity of our elections has been a major priority. Through the House Administration Committee, I have supported the SAVE Act and the SHIELD Act. Previously, I supported and even spoke in favor of the SAVE Act on the House floor. Let me be clear- if Senator Schumer wanted, he could bring up the bipartisan SAVE Act today. His refusal and the White House’s opposition to the bill should be deeply concerning to all Americans, who believe like I do, that we must make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

“After the results of this vote, there is more work that needs to be done. I am committed to averting a government shutdown, which would be detrimental for our nation,” said Bice in a statement after the vote was taken on Wednesday.

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