Citizenship Test for High School Students Passes House

House Bill 2030 which would require high school students to pass the civics portion of the U.S. naturalization test before graduating passed the Oklahoma House on Monday. House Speaker Pro Tempore Terry O’Donnell is the author.

“Unfortunately, too many of our students graduate high school without basic knowledge of how our nation was founded or how our system of government works,” O’Donnell said. “This legislation would help correct that, leading to a more engaged and informed electorate in the future.”

HB 2030 requires curriculum to meet subject matter standards for history, social studies and U.S. Government courses. That would include studying the original subject matter like the U.S. Constitution and Federalist Papers.

While the measure won approval by a vote of 80 to 18, the House Democrats stood firm against the bill.

“I’m not concerned about making Oklahoma students take the US Citizenship test,” said Representative Andy Fugate. “But, the concerns expressed about people in Portland, Seattle, and Washington D.C. won’t be solved by making Oklahoma students take a test.

“Oklahomans deserve better than political posturing in the guise of pandering to patriotism.”

“As a former 8th-grade public school history teacher, I can attest that teachers already cover in-depth what the U.S. Naturalization Test assesses,” said Representative Jacob Rosecrants. “Further, as a believer in the importance of  hands-on kinesthetic learning, I know that children learn better by doing rather than by prepping for a one-time test, and if we really want our students to learn about civics on a deeper level, we should invest in civics curriculum that truly engages our children.”

However, O’Donnell insists the new standard will help create more civic minded citizens in the future.

“That is not too high of a bar for young adults who will become part of our work force and our communities, and who will be future voters and perhaps even members of our government bodies,” O’Donnell said.

HB 2030 heads to the Senate. The Senate author is Senator Adam Pugh.

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