Bice: A Nation That’s Safe – Securing Our Future

By Congresswoman Stephanie Bice

In a world that grows more complex by the day, ensuring our nation’s security must be our foremost priority. House Republicans are committed to strengthening America’s defense, safeguarding our borders, and showing strength on the global stage. Our focus remains on crafting policies that protect our citizens, bolster our military, and ensure the safety of our communities.

To keep our nation safe, we must start with a combat-ready military. We need a fighting force capable of preventing conflicts and protecting our great nation. Unlike the current administration, which has shown resistance to necessary reforms, House Republicans are dedicated to enhancing our military capabilities. This includes advocating for a well-deserved 15% pay raise for junior enlisted troops and improving their quality of life. Our commitment extends to advancing nuclear technologies and countering threats from Communist China and other foreign adversaries. By supporting cutting-edge technology and weapons, we ensure that our military remains a deterrence to global threats.

It has been three years since the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which resulted in the tragic death of 13 U.S. Service Members. Recently, the Foreign Affairs Committee released its report on the withdrawal. They found that the Biden-Harris Administration was determined to withdraw from Afghanistan, no matter the cost. Their failure to properly prepare for the withdrawal led to an unsafe environment at the Kabul Airport, allowed the Taliban to take over the country and resulted in the loss of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment. Our strength on the foreign stage has been diminished, leading to serious national security implications.

While the issues across the world are pertinent, we cannot forget the domestic challenges we face every day. The Biden-Harris Administration’s failed border policies have left our nation vulnerable at home. These policies have turned local communities into border states, jeopardizing the safety of every American. Through 60 executive actions, Vice President Harris and President Biden have made this crisis worse. The results have been predictable, with over 10 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide and 8.1 million at our Southern Border alone. Additionally, there have been nearly 2 million known gotaways, a number that exceeds the previous DECADE combined.

My colleagues and I have taken decisive action to stop this crisis. We have passed robust legislation, including the FY25 House Homeland Security Appropriations Act, which allocates $600 million for border wall construction and funds for 22,000 Border Patrol agents. Our bill also provides 50,000 detention beds—an unprecedented number—to ensure we can manage and secure our borders effectively. We also passed H.R. 2, the strongest border security measure ever.

Our goal is clear: to build a safer, stronger America by securing our borders, defending our national security, and investing in our military. The path forward is challenging, but with determined leadership and a commitment to our nation, we will restore the strength and safety of our nation.

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