Inman Names House Democrat Leaders

Rep. Scott Inman’s Office/Staff

House Democratic Leader Scott Inman has announced his leadership team appointments for the coming session.

“I am incredibly proud to be surrounded by such a dynamic and energetic leadership team, and I know moving forward that they will each work tirelessly to champion our democratic ideals on the House floor,” said Inman, D-Del City.

Inman appointed Ben Sherrer of Chouteau as the Minority Floor Leader.

For the past four years Rep. Sherrer has served in leadership as the Minority Whip and as the Senior Judiciary Advisor for the Democratic Caucus.

Inman appointed Rep. Chuck Hoskin of Vinita to serve as the Minority Whip. The Whip is charged with marshaling support for positions on the floor. Rep. Hoskin will be working closely

Serving as the Assistant Minority Whip is Cory Williams of Stillwater, who held this position during the 53rd Legislature.

Williams graduated from Stillwater High School and went on to attend Oklahoma State University where he received a B.S in Political Science and a M.S. in International Trade and Development. He completed his law degree from Oklahoma City University and currently operates his own law firm.

Eric Proctor of Tulsa was re-appointed to serve as Deputy Minority Floor Leader.

Prior to being elected to state office, Rep. Proctor served as a youth minister and a high school Economics, History and Government teacher.

The House Democrats last year re-elected Warner resident Jerry McPeak to serve as Caucus Chair, and re-elected Joe Dorman of Rush Springs to serve as the Caucus Vice-Chair.

Inman appointed Curtis McDaniel of Smithville to serve as the Minority Caucus Secretary.

“I think with our leadership team we’ve struck a great balance of rural and urban legislators who will give their all in the service of this state,” said Inman.

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