Rep. Mark McBride (R-Oklahoma City) released the following statement today regarding the recent decision by the Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) to relocate the Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector from the state Capitol as part of the Capitol Restoration Project. McBride serves as a member of the State Capitol Repair Expenditure Oversight Committee.
“This decision to move the State Auditor from the Capitol was made, to my knowledge, by the project manager for the Capitol Restoration Project. The Capitol Repair Oversight Committee has never discussed moving the State Auditor from the Capitol. Neither has the Oklahoma House of Representatives ever held any discussions on moving the State Auditor from the Capitol. No legislative member that I have talked to has any recollection of ever discussing this move. . I am very disappointed in the way this decision was made. This is a discussion that not only should have included all invested parties in the restoration of the Capitol Building, but also any subsequent decision should have been made using the proper protocol and procedures.”