Paula Roberts Enters HD45 Race

Paula Roberts, longtime Norman resident and the former Secretary of the Cleveland County Election Board, said today she’s running for the House District 45 seat now held by Republican Aaron Stiles.

“I am running for House District 45 because of what I see happening to our state.   There is too much polarization in our current legislature and I want to change that,” said Democrat Roberts.

In making her announcement to run for House District 45, Roberts emphasized her belief that public service should always be the guiding principle for all elected officials in Oklahoma, and she pointed to her many at the Election Board.

Roberts says that among her first priorities in the House will be to promote and protect common and higher education in Oklahoma, bringing her training and experience as a classroom teacher to her work at the Capitol.  She also noted that, as a breast cancer survivor she is aware of the need for affordable health care, and the value of early detection and treatment of serious disease.  Based on her many years of experience as a military spouse, Ms. Roberts says she has a deep respect for our current military families and Veterans.  She will work to serve the interests of all those who honorably served their country.

Roberts holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma.  She taught Business Law and Management classes at Norman High School for ten years, and was then appointed to serve as the Cleveland County Election Board Secretary, where she earned National

Barry, her husband of 41 years, is a local attorney and retired Air Force Colonel, and they have one daughter, Amanda.

Roberts has served on the Boards of Directors of CASA, Full Circle Adult Day Care and Sooner Theater.  She is a Xenia Fellow and she and her husband are long time members of the First Christian Church.

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