Fallin Entertains Former Governors, Wives


Those taking part in Tuesday evening’s dinner at the Governor’s Mansion pose for a picture. Back row, from left, former Governors George Nigh and Frank Keating, former First Lady Kim Henry and former Governor Brad Henry, and former Governors David Walters and David Boren. Front row, from left, former first ladies Donna Nigh and Cathy Keating, First Gentleman Wade Christensen, Governor Mary Fallin, and former first ladies Rhonda Walters and Molly Shi Boren.

Governor Fallin and First Gentleman Wade Christensen welcomed home five of Oklahoma’s former governors to their former official residence.

 Five of the six living former governors and their spouses attended Tuesday night’s dinner at the Governor’s Mansion. Former Governor David Hall, who served from 1971-75, sent regrets that he could not attend as he is caring for his wife.

 It was the first time in recent memory that a governor hosted an event for former governors at the Governor’s Mansion.

  “I wanted to bring together our former governors and spouses for an historic gathering to thank them for their service, to reminisce about their service as the chief executive of our state and their memories of living with their families at the Governor’s Mansion,” said Fallin. “It was a fun night with great stories and personal recollections.”

 Former governors and spouses attending were David and Molly Shi Boren; George and Donna Nigh; David and Rhonda Walters; Frank and Cathy Keating; and Brad and Kim Henry. Boren served from 1975-79; Nigh served from 1979-87 and also served two other times, January 1963 and January 1979 when vacancies occurred; Walters served from 1991-95; Keating served from 1995-2003; and Henry served from 2003-11.

 For some, it was the first time they had returned to the Governor’s Mansion since they had lived there.

 The group speculated about a popular Governor’s Mansion tale that the spirit of former Governor William H. (Alfalfa Bill) Murray, who served from 1931-35, still inhabits the mansion.

Editor’s note: Credit photos to Travis Caperton, LSB photographer

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