Republican Jay Steagall announces his candidacy for the open State Representative seat in District 43, being vacated by Rep. John Paul Jordan.
“I am pleased and honored to announce my candidacy to serve House District 43. As a business owner with nearly 22 years of military service, including eight deployments and over 100 combat sorties, I feel it is my duty to continue service to this country in new capacity, elected office.” Jay Steagall, a Major in the US Air Force Reserves, will deploy for a short stint beginning next week, and will continue his campaign digitally, by phone, while overseas. “While I will be serving our country on this short deployment, I also have arranged time to communicate through daily phone calls with voters to discuss the issues that matter to my fellow Oklahomans. It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve Americans abroad and I am equally honored to work to earn your vote to serve my fellow Oklahomans in office.”
In addition to his military service as a senior pilot for the Air Force Reserves, Jay Steagall and his wife Kim own and operate Cloverleaf Precision, LLC, a firearms store in Yukon, and manage Canadian Ranges in El Reno. Steagall also provides defensive and competitive firearms training, as well as providing gunsmithing services.
Jay Steagall grew up just outside of Chickasha, where his family owns and operates Steagall Oil Company. Jay graduated from Alex Public Schools, and also earned his State FFA degree his senior year. In 2002, Steagall graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Agricultural Economics.
“If elected, my first priority will be to defend the lives of the unborn. As a Christian, I believe life begins at conception; as a 22-year veteran, I fight for the rights of all Americans, including the unborn,” Steagall stated.
“My next priority will be to defend Oklahoman’s Constitutional Second Amendment rights. The oath I took, and the promise I made to all Americans, was to defend our Constitution line by line. Every day I fight to defend our way of life as a pilot in the Air Force Reserves. My intimate understanding of the importance of our right to bear arms not only comes from my military service – I also own a gun store, operate a shooting range, and provide firearms instruction to enable gun owners to properly defend themselves.”
“Another central focus of my candidacy is the importance of law and order. As a constitutional republic, we are a nation of laws. To protect and defend the citizens of this community, state, and nation, it is the responsibility of law makers and law enforcement officers to support and carry out justice quickly and decisively. The recent national surge in violence toward our law enforcement agents is disgraceful and should not be tolerated. I will make it a top priority as a representative to support those officers who carry out their duties honorably. I will also support the prohibition of sanctuary city policies in the state of Oklahoma.”
“It’s time for a new direction and proven leadership in our state government that provides accountability for the budget and responsible spending. I’m asking you to join me as I continue the fight to defend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Oklahomans.”
For more information, please visit facebook at /VoteSteagall and on the web at