Lankford Introduces Bills Aimed at Limiting Chinese Influence

U.S. Senator James Lankford has introduced a trio of bills aimed at curtailing China’s influence in the U.S. and among allies, secures American farmland from Chinese purchases, and keeps the Chinese military from using American universities to get an edge on research and technology.

“China continues to buy up American farmland, steal our patents, and expand their authoritarian world view. America will demonstrate to the world our values and maintain our economic and military strength to assure the globe has the best opportunity for freedom. No one in China should doubt America’s resolve and commitment to liberty,” said Lankford.

The Belt & Road Oversight Act keeps an eye on China’s investment in critical infrastructure especially if it is using predatory lending practices.

The Security and Oversight for International Landholding (SOIL) Act provides additional oversight and transparency of purchases of U.S. agricultural land that threaten national security.

The Countering Adversarial and Malicious Partnerships at Universities and Schools (CAMPUS) Act prohibits joint research between U.S. universities and Chinese universities with a connection to the Chinese military. It also prohibits U.S. Department of Education funds from going to K-12 schools partnering with Chinese military linked entities. Additionally, restrictions are also placed on federal contracting and research dollars for universities which partner with Chinese military enterprises.

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