Businessman Brian Winslow Declares For SD40 Seat

winslowOklahoma City businessman Brian Winslow announced his bid for State Senate District 40 today. The seat is being vacated by Senator Cliff Branan due to term limits.

“Now is an exciting time in our state and in Oklahoma City. Our economy is booming despite the federal government’s mind-boggling spending and costly bureaucratic regulations,” Winslow said.

“I am running for State Senate because I know that Oklahoma’s success is not a given. We have fought hard to shrink government and grow our economy. To build on our momentum, we must continue those efforts.”

Born and raised in Oklahoma, Winslow has a master’s degree in business
administration from Oklahoma City University. He is a licensed real estate
broker and owns a successful property management business, which
oversees a multi-million dollar commercial property portfolio throughout
Oklahoma. Winslow, 29, also is a commercial helicopter flight instructor, a
member of the American Legion, and he serves on the Integris Foundation

“I believe we need more individuals from the private sector serving in
government, because they have the real-world experience we desperately
need in public office,” said Winslow. “I intend to fight for conservative,
common sense reforms that allow Oklahoma families and businesses to
manage their own lives free from government interference.”

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  1. Pam Rials, 09 May, 2013

    Wishing you all the best in your run for senate.
    Peace through readiness!


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