Will Dr. Ed Shadid’s involvement in the Green Party come back to bite him as he runs for mayor of Oklahoma City?
There’s some speculation to that end today following Shadid’s announcement he’s a candidate.
Shadid’s winning campaign for the Oklahoma City Council was marked by the accolades of Ralph Nader, as was noted in this Green Party website posting: “This evening, with over 60% of the vote, Ed Shadid won the race for Ward 2, Oklahoma City Council. The celebration began at Cafe Nova on N. Western Avenue once the announcement of the win was made via speakerphone by consumer activist (and former independent presidential candidate) Ralph Nader. Shadid’s opening statement brought cheers from the crowd, as they listened to his ideas on building a healthier, more progressive and better informed community.”
When Shadid unsuccessfully sought a seat in the State House, this statement was among many posted by Green Party supporters: “Having been concerned about the environment, Dr. Shadid reached out to politicians to offer financial support to those who offered ardent support of the environment. Those conversations saddened Dr. Shadid as he did not feel well represented by either the Democrats and Republicans in terms of truly innovative or devoted ways of protecting the environment and shifting towards a greater preponderance of renewable energy both to protect the environment and diversify and grow Oklahoma’s economy. Dr. Shadid found solace over the years in discussing not only environmental issues but also a multitude of social issues with local and national members of the Green Party.”
Mayor Mick Cornett, who won reelection easily in his past two races, has not yet announced if he’ll seek the office again. He’s a well-known Republican who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in the 5th District.
Here’s our previous post on Shadid’s candidacy: An Oklahoma City councilman says he’s a candidate for mayor next year.

Has anyone ever asked a “greenie” how far back into history he desires us to live? Would he be satisfied with emissions of 1923? …or 1867? …or 1732? …or (you get the idea!)
Have you seen a “leader” among the “greenies” who actually lives like they advocate the rest of us should? I am sure they are out there or have they tried it and repented!
The Green Party has been an attempt to provide an alternative to the two parties that have had a stranglehold on US politics since the Civil War, although their leadership hasn’t created particularly stellar results. Knowing that Mr. Shadid has been affiliated with the Green Party in the past is a plus for me.
Unabashed liberal. Oklahoma City residents are smarter than that.
[…] Ed Shadid, who ran for city council as an independent, has Green party ties, and has built a campaign on a message that appeals to more progressive residents, has not postured […]
[…] Ralph Nader announced Shadid’s City Council victory at his 2011 watch party. […]