Russell Says He’s In 5th District Race

Former State Senator Steve Russell told The McCarville Report today he will enter the race for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 5th District.

Russell, a retired Army officer, author and businessman, is a popular speaker before military and veteran support groups across the country.

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  1. John Rigby, 21 January, 2014

    does he even live in the District? His old address was 1313 SW 105th Pl, OKC, which when you plug in the address at, says he’s in the 4th District.

  2. Edmond Voter, 21 January, 2014

    I don’t think you have to live in the district to represent the voters of that district in Congress. But maybe he’s moved and just hasn’t changed his address with the Election Board. At this time, he is definitely the most conservative candidate in the mix and I’d vote for him.

  3. mikes1voice, 21 January, 2014

    Residency in the district is not a requirement.

  4. OKC Voter, 21 January, 2014

    FYI: When Steve was an OK Senator, he authored SB 1903–a Call for a Constitutional Convention or an “amendments convention” by the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma.

  5. Eastern Okie w/ Voters Remorse, 21 January, 2014

    That sure didn’t stop Mullin from running for & winning the 2nd district seat.

  6. Paul, 23 January, 2014

    Anti Tort Reform
    Missed multiple important budget votes and needed tie breaking votes when he was a state senator — he choose many many times to place higher importance of his speaking gigs over his obligation to the citizens who were paying him for missing votes.
    he openly stated his disdain for working in a legislative environment yet wants to do so again?
    no thanks.


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