Huckabee Endorses James Lankford

Mike Huckabee today endorsed Congressman James Lankford in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate.

“The idea of always being accountable, putting others first, and keeping Faith in a faithless town isn’t easy, but James maintains his integrity while representing Oklahoma in Congress,” Huckabee said.

” It is obvious that James is working to revive our great nation for the next generation of Americans.
James Lankford is a rock solid conservative who works hard and understands how to get rid of government waste and balance the budget. He has fought on the front lines against Obamacare and reckless federal spending every day in Congress.

“I know James is well equipped for the task ahead and I’m proud to endorse him as Oklahoma’s next great U.S. Senator.”

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  1. Tom Shupper, 03 April, 2014

    Now I know TW’S the man! Huckachuck is as establishment as it gets.

  2. Cinbin, 04 April, 2014

    Establishment? You mean like PALLIN, who endorsed Mary Fallin for Governor last time and probably will THIS time too, and, by the way, endorsed your “man”? THAT is as establishment as it gets right THERE!

    Lankford. All. The. Way!

  3. Muthamedia, 04 April, 2014

    Looks like the Baptists will stick together.


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