Dorman Pops Fallin On Facebook


Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Dorman took to Facebook today to pop Governor Fallin by posting a photo of her toasting President Obama.

“Who’s the real chief Oklahoma Obama surrogate? Fallin 1, Dorman 0,” Dorman wrote.

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  1. Rocky, 18 April, 2014

    That’s not an endorsement. was an act of civility, better than how the demoncracts treated Bush. : /

  2. Cinbin, 18 April, 2014


  3. Edmond Voter, 18 April, 2014

    As they say…. a picture is worth a thousand words! You can brush it off all you want, but to the uninformed voter, it speaks volumes.

  4. B.L. Cozad Jr, 20 April, 2014

    Fallin is the President of the National Governor’s Association and they are supporting the UN Agenda 21 plan just like Obama is.

    Wake up and connect the dots, Fallin and Obama are both selling out our Constitution and America in support of the global communist policies of UN Agenda 21 and the traitors within the leadership of the R’s and the D’s are laughing at the members of the Democratic and Republican parties for being stupid enough to believe there is a difference between these two traitors.


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