A new survey, this one from a pro-James Lankford group, shows the race for the Republican nomination for the U. S. Senate is close.
Lankford and Rep. T. W. Shannon are battling for the lead, while former Senator Randy Brogdon remains an afterthought with only 6 percent support. In other polls, he’s been at 7 percent.
The survey was taken of likely Republican primary voters commissioned by the Foundation for Economic Prosperity, Inc. Interviews were conducted April 27-29, 2014. The margin of error for the entire sample (n=500) is +/- 4.4% at the 95% confidence level. Approximately 20% of interviews were conducted with a cell phone sample of voters who cannot be reach by landline.
Lankford leads Shannon 36% to 34%, with Randy Brogdon garnering 6% of the vote. 21% remain undecided.
Lankford-related television advertising is currently showing greater effectiveness than Shannon related ads according to the poll results.
More voters have seen, read or heard something recent regarding Shannon (70%) than Lankford (55%).
However, among the 45% of the electorate who have seen, read or heard something regarding both candidates, Lankford holds an 8-point lead (43%-35%).
The most important issues to GOP Primary voters are government spending, the national debt and Obamacare.

[…] En måling av det republikanske primærvalget for en gruppe som støtter kongressmann James Lankford finner […]