Four Tulsa area state senators have endorsed Congressman James Lankford in his bid to win the Republican nomination for the U. S. Senate.
“I endorse James Lankford with confidence because I know he will fight for Oklahoma’s working families and small businesses during tough economic times, while standing up for Oklahoma values and the Right to Life at all times.”
Senator Rick Brinkley
District 34
“Oklahoma families have been presented with difficult decisions as the economy struggles to recover. I know that James Lankford shares my belief that government should not make decisions even more challenging for our families, and I trust him to fight for lower taxes and responsible spending on behalf of Oklahoma taxpayers.”
Senator Mike Mazzei
District 25
“I’m excited to see the groundswell of support for James Lankford in our great state. More than ever, it’s critical that we send leaders to Washington, D.C. who understand what matters to Oklahomans because they’re listening to us and working on our behalf. James Lankford will be that type of leader in the U.S. Senate.”
Senator Dan Newberry
District 37
“As a small business owner, I believe it is important to elect someone who will fight to keep federal agencies from burdening our businesses with massive regulations that are stifling economic growth and job creation in our state. Because of his managerial experience, his passion for our state, and his commitment to our hardworking families, I’m proud to endorse James Lankford.”
Senator Gary Stanislawski
District 35

Interesting. It’s crucial for Lankford to be competitive in the Tulsa metro in order for him to win.
Lankford is nothing but an establishment politician! He voted to raise the debt limit 3 times! With regard to Benghazi we know the following:
1) Boehner was not on board w/ a special committee in 2013.
2) Lankford, a Boehner loyalist, refused to sign the resolution.
3) EVERY ONE else in the OK delegation was on board with a special investigation last year.
4) Now, Lankford is trying to take credit for something he refused to support a year ago because he is beholden to GOP leadership.
These four senators are some of the same refusing to support or even hear the pro-2nd amendment legislation currently stuck in the Oklahoma Senate. Lankford is not the right choice for Oklahoma.
Lawrence, yes, Lankford is a bonifide Boehner follower….I wouldn’t vote for him no matter who backed him…these endorsements are such a show, and now I know of four more Republicans I will be very wary of, so, thanks Lankford!
-At least he didn’t have a bench warrant for NINE YEARS for a suspended license, paying it 26 days before he became speaker, Lawrence.
Check around the internet. It’s there.
Brogden is the only one who is NOT an establishment Republican!
What is an “establishment Republican”?
Obviously, Adam has never driven through the town of Bokchito!
While you laugh off TW’s trouble with the law, here are some facts to consider…TW Shannon got a ticket for speeding (In Oklahoma City, not Bokchito) in November 2002. He did not pay the fine, and his driver’s license was subsequently suspended in January 2003. He got a second speeding ticket in March 2003, as well as another citation for driving with a suspended license. A bench warrant was issued on September 10, 2003, because he did not pay the fine(s). TW Shannon did not pay for his traffic violations until December 18, 2012, and only after being confronted about it.
All of this is verifiable by looking here:
and here:
and here:
What does it say about a lawmaker who violates the law, then refuses to pay the fines that the common people have to pay, then continues to violate the law by driving with a suspended license? Are we to believe that TW simply stopped driving for several years after the second speeding ticket? This speaks volumes about his character. Washington DC is full of guys who feel like they’re above the law. We don’t need to send them another one like that.