Brogdon To Teach ‘Principles of liberty’

Defeated Senate candidate Randy Brogdon said today he has formed a business that will work with grassroots leaders to train candidates and others on the principles of liberty.

In an email, Brogdon wrote:

Friends and supporters have asked what my plans are for the future.  Much of the last decade of my life I served as an elected official and was dedicated to the restoration of our founding principles. Whether in elected office or not, these principles still matter deeply to me and I suspect they do to you as well. In fact, they have defined who I am and are the driving force behind what I intend to do with the remaining years God has for me.

Many believe that you have to be elected to public office to make a difference, but I disagree.  Some of the most influential people responsible for directing public policy in Oklahoma are private citizens.  I plan to join the fight with them.

I have started a new business  I am working with grassroots leaders around the state to educate and train citizens, candidates and elected officials on the principles of liberty and how to apply those principles to public policy.

Restore LibertyOK will be a “conduit” of sorts for all of the grassroots organizations to help get their message out on specific issues through our extensive network.  Our email and social media contacts will be available to help spread their important message.

Restore LibertyOK will provide the answers and offer real solutions to the many problems we’re faced with today.  We will be offering “Liberty Boot Camps” where I and others will teach the Principles of Liberty from the Declaration of Independence and show how Oklahoma can lead the way in stopping the overreach Washington DC.

We will also be working with others around the state to nullify unconstitutional acts forced upon us like Obamacare, EPA actions, even the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court.

I invite you to visit my website and sign up for training and to receive important updates on current issues.  Together we can Restore Liberty!

Dedicated to Liberty,

Randy Brogdon

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