Law Change Sparks Concealed Carry Applications

Tulsa World

Traffic on the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation’s online application system for handgun licenses has more than tripled since media reports about an upcoming change in law, the agency said Friday afternoon.

The OSBI in a news release said 394 people have began applications online since the news reports Tuesday, compared to 130 people during the same three-day span a week ago.

Oklahoma Self-Defense Act gun safety course certifications are a first step toward obtaining a license to conceal or open carry firearms.

Jessica Brown, the OSBI’s public information officer, said the numbers released do not reflect how many applications have been submitted because not all are completed. Some people are browsing, too, she said.

On Nov. 1, a new law stipulates SDA certifications will expire after three years, where previously they had no term limits. The measure means certifications dated Nov. 1, 2011, or earlier will expire at the deadline.

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