Slavonic Endorses Douglas In 5th District Race

Retired Rear Admiral Greg Slavonic today endorsed Republican Patrice Douglas in the Republican runoff for Congress in the 5th District.

In his endorsement, Admiral Slavonic praised Douglas’s business experience, work ethic, and dedication to conservative principles.

“I am proud to endorse conservative Republican Patrice Douglas for Congress in the fifth district,” said Admiral Slavonic. “As Mayor and Chairman of the Corporation Commission, she has a proven record of results, challenging the Obama administration’s intrusive EPA mandates and exposing fraud and abuse in the Obama Phone program. In Congress, Patrice will put Oklahoma’s families and small businesses first as she fights create jobs, repeal Obamacare, reduce spending, and bring commonsense solutions to Washington. Our veterans and our service men and women deserve a U.S. Representative that has the work ethic and business experience to stand up for our conservative principles and Oklahoma values. She displays the character, integrity, ethical behavior and exceptional leadership that Oklahoma needs in Congress.”

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  1. Ken Murphy, 23 July, 2014

    “Ethical Behavior”, let’s unpack that for a moment. I would contend that most voters in this primary would find it highly unethical to accept campaign contributions from people and industries that you currently regulate as a member of the Corporation Commission. Even this week a rate increase from PSO is before the Corporation Commission and Mrs. Douglas took campaign contributions for this race from principles at PSO.( This practice in illegal in 37 other states, and it is unethical in our great state. You deserve better, we deserve better.

  2. Bill Ries, 23 July, 2014

    Mr. Murphy – you are misinformed and are distorting the facts. Those 37 states you mention do NOT have elected commissioners, they are appointed. In the remaining states where commissioners are elected, the campaign contributions you describe are perfectly legal. In fact, the fundraising rules for Corporation Commissioners in Oklahoma are stricter than for any other elected office, as well as being strict compared to other states. If you do not like that system of elected commissioners, fine,then fight to change it. But please do not make allegations about her ethics without evidence to back it up.

  3. Dan Maxwell, 23 July, 2014


  4. Dan Maxwell, 23 July, 2014

    To the moderator – attached please find links to substantiate my claims. (The commenter lists several links; what he does not provide is any evidence that one thing leads to another…the assertion for which his original comment was edited. This is a case where the writer makes an assumption…that one act was responsible for another, without proof.)

  5. Ken Murphy, 24 July, 2014

    Mr. Maxwell, I am sure you would have to agree that as Christians we should be above reproach. This behavior falls below that mark. We should demand better from all of our elected officials.

  6. Ken Murphy, 23 July, 2014

    Mr. Riles, – I am sure you would agree that just because something is legal that does not always make it ethical, it’s also the type of behavior that most voters are weary of.


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