Fallin Emails Count Russell As ‘Soft no’ On Obamacare

Newly released emails from Governor Mary Fallin’s administration may have an impact on the upcoming Republican runoff primary for the 5th District.

The new public documents reveal an internal “whip count” of Republican senators, outlining their position on the issue of whether to accept $54 million in federal money to establish a state health care exchange as outlined in the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.

Staff for the governor was sent to poll each Republican senator and ask them if they were yes, no, or undecided on whether to support the heath care exchange bill.

Russell told the governor’s staff (their description) that he was a “soft no,” which the governor’s staff thought to be surprising. The notes said Russell “may be persuadable down the road.”

Here’s the language used in the staff email recap of senatorial positions: “Russell, he’s a surprising ‘soft no.’ Understands the situation. May be persuadable down the road.”

This is the second time during the runoff where Russell’s record in the Senate has come under scrutiny.

The Patrice Douglas campaign recently called on the former senator to explain his vote in favor of Common Core, leading to an article in The Oklahoman where Russell said he did not know what Common Core would become when he and other Republicans cast votes in favor.

The runoff election will be held on August 26.

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  1. KyleJohnston122, 12 August, 2014

    I’m surprised such an objective website would resort to this political nonsense. No source, no author, no credibility in my opinion. Slimy politics as usual, and I have just lost respect for this website.

    This is clearly a slanted article trying to turn his “no” vote into a “yes” because he was open to discussion. This is the problem we have in Washington, nobody will listen to one another.

    Steve has always been unequivocally against Obamacare and its overreach into our state. Shame on McCarville for letting this article go unsourced, and unauthored.

  2. Edmond Voter, 12 August, 2014

    I’m with Kyle in that this seems coincidental since Mary’s girl is struggling in this run off. And she wonders why the voters are not trusting her. She and/or her campaign keep “spinning” the news just like Obama does. Simply disgusting to try and smear the good name and reputation of an honorable man.

  3. Tom, 12 August, 2014

    I find his vote “for” Common Core significant. What is very troubling, is the totally ridiculous excuse, ” to explain his vote in favor of Common Core, leading to an article in The Oklahoman where Russell said he did not know what Common Core would become when he and other Republicans cast votes in favor.”

    The above excuse is not worthy of a man with his military background. It is anathema to everyone who has served his country. Most, are taught that actions are not excused away!. In plain language, never make excuses for doing something wrong! Admit your mistake and don’t do it again.

    The choice here is easy.

  4. Vernon Woods, 12 August, 2014

    Tom, is there a shred of logic in your comment apparently comparing a Common Core vote to serving in the military?
    And, just what exactly is the ‘easy choice’ you refer to?

  5. Tom Payne, 12 August, 2014

    I’m with Kyle too, and not really surprised by Mary’s girl either, since she was appointed by her to the Corporation Commission. As for Tom’s knowledge about the Common Core issue, it appears to be lacking. Mr Russell’s explanation has been validated by those in the Common Core struggle, and that’s good enough for me. Mr Russell’s record is spotless and this is all they can come up with.

    We used to be able to count on you Mike to cover both sides and keep it objective, with good insight. I see time changes everything, and everyone. We’re not the only ones losing respect for you and this publication. Keep it up and you’ll be publishing to vacant audience. Stay neutral.


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