The Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce has announced its roster of endorsements and Senator Josh Brecheen is happy to see he is not on the list.
“I have honored my word to the people in my district to legislate as a true conservative, with one of the most conservative/pro-business records in the Senate, and I have not bowed to the political elite,” says Brecheen. “The State Chamber’s opposition to my reelection, as well as opposition from ‘Stand for Children’ and the ‘Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association’, is proof that I am nobody’s ‘Yes Man’
The Chamber’s endorsement of Brecheen’s challenger, he said, highlights priorities of the State Chamber
“It appears logical to assume the action comes because Brecheen was a leader in stopping Common Core, a program the Chamber has ardently supported,” says respected political analyst Mike McCarville. “The Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce has fired a political shot that has landed with a thud. The Chamber’s endorsement of Josh Brecheen’s Democrat opponent has his allies, conservatives and Common Core opponents fired up and speaking out.”
(The State Chamber’s president and CEO, Fred Morgan, has since told TMR the group’s opposition to Brecheen is due to his opposition to the gross production tax bill and other Chamber-backed measures.
“The Chamber is just another special interest group opposing me because I refuse to play ball with them. I’ll never be a puppet for any special interests,” says Brecheen.
“The National Federation of Independent Business, Oklahoma’s leading small-business association, has endorsed Brecheen based on his 100 percent voting record for small businesses. Brecheen also earned a cumulative score of 90 from the Research Institute for Economic Development which was founded in part by the State Chamber. The average cumulative Senate Democrat RIED score is 57.
“It’s ironic that the State Chamber, a group that claims to support small business owners, would oppose me and my four-year, pro-growth record in the Senate,” says Brecheen. “Less than two years ago, the State Chamber sent out a mailer thanking me for my role in advancing workers comp reform. Apparently, that historic pro-business accomplishment is not nearly as important to the State Chamber as advancing the Obama vision for educational reform through Common Core. My Senate authorship of the Common Core repeal got rid of third-rate national education standards and will replace them with first-rate Oklahoma led standards.”

Think about it… the only time you ever see anyone fight really hard for something is either becuase they have principles, or their pockets are being lined by someone. Since Sen. Brecheen obviously isnt receiving any big money for his stand against special interests, then, one can assume it must be principle that is driving him… now, on the other hand.. why is the State Chamber so determined to try to help defeat Sen. Brecheen… well, they must be the ones getting the pockets lined… folks.. there’s a payday in there somewhere or they wouldnt be so rabid about it. Too much Common Core.. and not enough Common Sense!! District 6 voted Sen. Brecheen in because he said he would stand for our values, during the last 4 years, he kept his word and he has stood for those values, now, its our turn to stand for him again and put him in for 4 more years. He is a proven conservative, and in Oklahoma, we like that!
An endorsement from the State Chamber is like announcing you’re endorsed by Pace Picante Sauce in the middle of Dodge City at high noon.It’s not going to be pretty.