Hill Responds To Brecheen Statement

Hill Campaign

Durant – Today, candidate for state Senate, Joe Hill, responded to Senator Brecheen’s statement about Hill’s endorsement by business leaders across Oklahoma.

“Senator Brecheen wants to put the blame on passing Common Core onto business leaders from across Oklahoma,” said Hill. “What he really is doing is running from his record of voting to fund Common Core. He was for it before he was against it and has been one of Janet Baressi’s top allies at the State Capitol.

“We need a senator who will stand up to the big interests from outside this state and is proud of his support from within the district and the state of Oklahoma. I pledge to be that person and I look forward to bringing people together in a bipartisan way to solve Oklahoma’s challenges.”

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  1. ClearChoice, 08 October, 2014

    Poor Joe “Bought” Hill. Josh Brecheen took down Barresi’s and the Chamber’s top initiatives. Next he’ll be saying that because Josh Brecheen and Janet Barresi have the same initials – they must be in league together..you know..J.B. and J.B. Haha preposterous.

  2. Bill, 08 October, 2014

    Mr. Hill is going to have a problem standing up for anything with the endorsement by the State Chamber of Commerce, Not to mention that likely there will be less than 10 Democrats in the entire State Senate Chamber.

    What a narrow statement from a candidate whom has ran out of places to hide from the grassroots.

  3. Seymour, 08 October, 2014

    An individual campaigning for Joe Hill came to my door. I said.. Democrat… they support gay marriage… they support abortion… they are against our right to bear arms… and the fellow stops me.. “oh… no no no he says.. Joe isnt like that.. he is a conservative democrat”. So.. now I have 2 questions. The first is, if Joe doesn’t support the values of his own party, then, why would I think he would support MY values and stand against these things I mentioned. The 2nd question is.. what are you telling me Joe?? You are not liberal, but, you sure do like associating with the party and people that are? Come on…

  4. Spencer, 08 October, 2014

    A duck is still a duck even if it tries all it wants to appear to be a goose

  5. Kevin Batts, 08 October, 2014

    The myth of the conservative Democrat.

  6. Tom Payne, 08 October, 2014

    Hill must be hallucinating now:

    “What he really is doing is running from his record of voting to fund Common Core. He was for it before he was against it and has been one of Janet Baressi’s top allies at the State Capitol.” ???

    This is straight out of the Stand for Children playbook. Nice try Joe. You would do better just telling people you’re a conservative, which doesn’t seem to be working very well. Maybe you should try telling voters you like puppies and walks along the beach. That might work.

    The anti Common Core crowd has been there and seen it all. They know the truth. You are on the wrong side of this one!

  7. Kevin Posey, 09 October, 2014

    I’ve always thought being a conservative Democrat makes about as much sense as being a little pregnant.

  8. DemNoMore, 09 October, 2014

    “We need a senator who will stand up to the big interests from outside this state ..” says Joe Hill.

    Yes, you are right – thankfully we HAVE a State Senator, BRECHEEN that stands up against those out of state big interests who are endorsing you Mr. Hill. A mailer of support for you from the AFL-CIO union, and Stand for Children with lots of television commercials for you, both out of state groups who have big agendas that we don’t want. We haven’t seen you stand up at all – you’ve just sat down…with your hand out.


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