Wesselhoft Disagrees With Inhofe, Lankford Over Tackett Endorsement

Republican Rep. Paul Wesselhoft disagrees with Senator Jim Inhofe and Congressman James Lankford, who on Friday announced their endorsement of David Tackett in the House District 12 race in Broken Arrow.

“They surely do not know this man,” Wesselhoft wrote on the Facebook page of the Oklahoma Constitution.

But two other legislators, Lewis Moore and Mike Ritze, endorsed Tackett in comments to this story.

TMR has asked Wesselhoft for elaboration on, his opposition to Republican Tackett.

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  1. StH, 11 October, 2014

    Paul Wesselhoft is a classless wackaloon who represents Oklahoma conservative values about as much as Joe Biden does. A wolf in sheep’s clothing cannot stay disguised forever.

  2. Mike Ritze, 13 October, 2014

    David Tackett is a fine young man. Cong. Bridenstine along with Cong. Lankford and Sen. Inhofe have endorsed David. Wade Rousselot is a strong supporter of ObamaCare and was endorsed by The Sierra Club.

  3. Lewis Moore, 13 October, 2014

    I fully endorse David Tackett and believe he will be a great addition to our Conservative Caucus.

  4. Bob Dani, 13 October, 2014

    I have know David Tackett for quite sometime, and have know him to always to be a solid conservative thinker, and supporter of the conservative movement in Oklahoma. David has represented several good conservative candidates, and conservative movement issue as; Open Carry, fighting against Obamacare, defending Personhood bills, and other strong social issues.

    What I appreciate about David is his ability not to try and spin an issue, but to give a very upfront open idea of his thoughts on issues.

    All while the person he is running against as a Democrat is and was in favor of Obamacare in Oklahoma, and is has been endorsed by the “Sierra Club” … Which should tell most conservative voters plenty.

  5. RedStater, 05 November, 2014

    And yet with all those high level endorsements, he loses by 500 votes. How much time did he spend running against candidates in other districts when he should have been campaigning for his own seat?


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