Russell Calls Move To Replace Boehner ‘Stupid Tactics’


Newly-elected Congressman Steve Russell reportedly said those opposing Speaker John Boehner are using “stupid tactics.” The comment came during a social media exchange with a Tea Party activist critical of Russell.

The effort to oppose Boehner is being led by Tulsa Congressman Jim Bridenstine, who endorsed Russell in his competitive Republican primary.

Russell’s private message was posted on Facebook by Matthew Vermillion, a known Tea Party activist.

“Those in the 5th District who just voted to elect Steve Russell to replace Lankford, you will want to take a look at this image taken of a private message I had with him yesterday, asking him if he would vote for Boehner or not,” Vermillion said.   Russell wrote, “I will also not eliminate my strategic voice for the expediency of stupid tactics. Read Federalist Paper 10 for my views.” (Federalist 10 addresses the question of how to guard against “factions,” or groups of citizens, with interests contrary to the rights of others or the interests of the whole community.)

Tulsa Tea Party activist Ronda Vuillemont-Smith wrote on Facebook that; “Unfortunately, for those that worked to get Steve Russell for Congress elected, expecting something different than what you had before – rumor has it that Russell WILL support Boehner for Speaker.”

Bridenstine, meanwhile, is doing a little more than just opposing the sitting speaker. Bridenstine is actively campaigning for the nomination of Congressman Louie Gohmert or Texas. Gohmert, who spoke more often on the House floor than any other member of Congress, is a favorite of national Tea Party organizations. He is known for speaking often, and was once the only member of the House to defend keeping the word “lunatic” in federal code.


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  1. jane martin, 06 January, 2015

    Those who voted for russell, who were lead to believe he was a conservative, are very upset. local talk radio lite up last night. Voters are angry with him. His smart remark about rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic didn’t sit well. WE want the deck chair rearranged.

  2. Steve Dickson, 06 January, 2015

    Wow – I certainly hope our newly elected Congressman reconsiders. Boehner is a major problem – I saw that 60% of Republicans want him replaced. I would bet that number is higher in the 5th District.

    Do the right thing and vote for someone else – anyone else.

  3. Vernon Woods, 06 January, 2015

    This article is extremely confusing.

    Just exactly what is who accusing Russell of? Is he accused of being a ‘conservative’ or an ‘ultra conservative’ (tea party)?

    How does not voting against Boehner determine this question?

  4. mikes1voice, 06 January, 2015

    He apparently is being accused of being less than conservative because he may vote for Boehner.

  5. Vernon Woods, 06 January, 2015


    I was hoping those days were over. That attitude will just lead to more gridlock and negate the Republican mandates – this tea party stuff is really getting stale.

  6. Ray, 06 January, 2015

    I personally asked Mr. Russell during his campaign if he would vote for Boehner. He replied “I’d like to see a more conservative Speaker, but there are no other candidates.” A more conservative candidate appeared and he did not support him. Mr. Russell has an integrity problem.

  7. Deb Schaer, 06 January, 2015

    “Tea Party stuff”? You mean limited government, Constitutional adherence and free markets? THAT Tea Party stuff? The cromnibus just gave Obama everything he wanted and funded bennies for illegals aliens – no gridlock there!

  8. Vernon Woods, 06 January, 2015

    Yes, Debbie, ‘that tea party stuff’. Stop with the silly nicknames and get to work doing something to correct the damage bo has been allowed to do thanks to our pathetic infighting.
    Your 25 votes against Boehner proves that it’s time to put up or shut up.

  9. Pat McFerron, 06 January, 2015

    How would going to a second ballot elect a more conservative Speaker? Nobody can answer that, because it is not true. A vote against Boehner would have been a vote to give Nancy Pelosi and her ilk the ability to pick the new Speaker who would have been to the left of Boehner, not the right. We still have many non-conservative Republicans from the coasts to elect a more conservative speaker. Russell was consistent with what he said during the campaign. He helped save us from a more liberal Speaker and should be thanked.

  10. Bryan Hall, 06 January, 2015

    I’m hugely disappointed in him for voting for status quo. That’s not what we the voters were going for last November. The Titanic (as he calls it) won’t survive two more years with the same Captain in charge ramming every conservative iceberg in sight. Deck chairs be damned – full speed ahead into the abyss!

  11. Terry smith, 06 January, 2015

    Looks like the only stupid tactic Bridenstein used was endorsing Russell.. And as far as getting Boehner in a runoff will elect Pelosi, get somebody with an iq of 80 or above to explain to you how stupid that logic is… LOL

  12. Duberdoo, 10 January, 2015

    Don’t forget the Democrats part in this. Twenty Democrats were not in attendance for the vote or voted present. Guess Mr. B is really conniving with the big dogs. Am disappointed with Russell. Guess a face to face visit is in our future!


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