Will Tea Party Pack GOP Precinct Meetings?


Mike McCarville

Will Tea Party advocates and their disciples gain grassroots power, or try to, in the Republican Party when precinct meetings are held at the end of this month?

Some in the movement say they are prepared to field candidates for precinct chairman as work prepares for county conventions on March 7th.

The ongoing conflict between “mainstream” Republicans and those some consider to be on the outside now spans several years.

Some members of the Oklahoma Tea Party downplay any effort to “take over” the precinct meetings, but there are indications (via social media and otherwise) that some plan otherwise. The especially combative Sooner Tea Party seems likely to field candidates in some precincts, although some in the know say it is toothless and powerless.

Activist Steve Dickson adds his thoughts in a comment below.

And reader Denise Roberts in her comment says, “We aren’t wacko birds.”

The precinct meetings will be followed by county conventions on March 7 and the state convention on April 11.

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  1. Evelyn McCoy, 18 January, 2015

    precinct meetings in Oklahoma County will be held on January 27. Check Okc.gop for location

  2. Vernon Woods, 18 January, 2015

    The American nightmare – Ted Cruz vs. Elizabeth Warren.

  3. Steve Dickson, 18 January, 2015

    It will be interesting to see what happens at the precinct meetings. There are a few things I would add to your article:

    1. It is not really “Tea Party vs. mainstream”. I would say a more accurate description would be small or limited government vs. establishment (those currently in control of most of the GOP). The small/limited government group has a number of disagreements, but when united can do quite a bit, especially inside the party structure. This group is composed of the various “Tea Party” groups, 9/12 groups, 2nd and 10th Amendment groups, and some of the Liberty Movement – although not all.

    2. I am not aware of anyone who self-identifies with the Sooner Tea Party beyond Al Gerhart. He is a pariah to every single activist I can think of in both Conservative and Liberty circles.

    3. It has become apparent that those in the “Establishment” are not advocates of small or limited government, but instead seek to remake local and/or state government in a way that benefits their friends and associates, rather than actually reduce the size and scope of it/them. This is a major uniting factor for those of us disgusted by redistribution of wealth or limits on competition by EITHER party.

    4. Those who wish a smaller and more limited government are younger (by far) and growing in participation. Those who favor the “status quo” of state and local government are demographically on the decline – and this will not be changing.

    5. If the GOP fails to become responsive to the advocates of small and limited government, it will go the way of the way of the Whigs – and sooner than you think.

    For the last two years, a number of us have been doing all we can to expand the GOP with anyone, regardless of what “faction” they are in. We have a Grassroots Subcommittee on the Oklahoma County GOP Executive Committee tasked with doing this. It has been my honor to work with both Porter Davis and Charlie Potts as a co-chair, and with our subcommittee members, to accomplish this task. While we wish we could have done more, it is quite frankly the duty of the population to get involved – to put down the remote, stop watching the game, and pay attention to more adult and more important things.

    See you at the Precinct meetings!

    PS – having three people running for State Chair will have an impact on turnout, as well.

  4. Denise roberts, 18 January, 2015

    Yep – what Steve said. Please stop calling us fringe. Most of us are people recovering from years of having towed the line for the RNC, holding our noses and voting for the lesser progressive. We aren’t wacko birds. We’re people who have core principles and believe that there are a few of them sacred enough that they cannot be bought or compromised. We do not go along to get along at the expense of what is right. If that’s fringe, then Lord help us. The sooner tea party?? Really?? That’s a pretty broad brush you’re using today, mike. Respectfully,

  5. David Van, 19 January, 2015

    Those who adhere to the OKGOP platform are hardly “fringe”. It is, rather; those who abandon the convictions stated in the party documents… who might be feared as a fringe element whose designs are a threat to the party’s integrity and effectiveness.

  6. Bob Dibble, 19 January, 2015

    I agree to an extent, however, I would promote the idea of taking all social related goals out of the platform. Government can’t fix what the people are emotionally divided on. Government should not waste time, resources, and emotional capital on problems they can only worsen by stirring up the people or reacting to the unfixable emotions of people with strong feelings about things that they should have to reconcile in their own minds. Government leaders need to focus on defense, infrastructure, economy, and all of the other practical matters spelled out in the US and State Constitutions. Take the government out and let the clergy, ethicists, historians, physicians, and other stakeholders and experts educate and lead the people towards some agreement instead. I want a candidate who will say that is not what I need to be about today. That is an issue for the people to resolve without government’s political spin. I will focus on protecting you, look out for your welfare, and expand-not curtailing liberty for all.

  7. Vernon Woods, 19 January, 2015

    Bob, I think I agree with you – keep the social issues out of the conversation about who can create the most jobs, cut government waste, and continue protect our country from the crazies out there.

  8. Edmond Voter, 19 January, 2015

    Well I would hope the Republican party would defend our US Constitution and what it states:

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

    Surely we should continue to stand for the right to live for our unborn citizens, as well as all citizens until the time of their natural death. Guess that’s one “social issue” that should continue to be supported by our party at all levels.

  9. valerie, 20 January, 2015

    I am sick of the division! And to my dismay I blame it on the groups and people I once aligned myself with….the established talk radio punditry and conservative groups.


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