Pruitt Applauds Court Ruling On Obama’s Immigration Executive Orders

Attorney General Scott Pruitt today applauded a federal judge’s ruling granting an emergency injunction halting the president’s executive actions on immigration.

The judge’s ruling late Monday night temporarily prevents the president’s executive actions from taking effect in Oklahoma.

“Today’s ruling is a step in the right direction in undoing the president’s unlawful executive actions on immigration. We appreciate the court and U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen for granting this emergency request by the states,” Attorney General Pruitt said. “The lawsuit brought by Oklahoma and other states seeks to hold the executive branch accountable to faithfully execute the laws passed by the legislative branch. The president cannot rewrite our nation’s immigration laws simply because Congress hasn’t acted in a manner with which he agrees. But that is what the president doing with these executive actions. As this case proceeds, Oklahoma will continue the legal fight to stop the unlawful executive actions and hold the executive branch accountable to its constitutional duty.”

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