House Committee Attacks Open Records Act

A House committee has taken action that some say is an attack on the state’s Open Records Act:

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  1. Steve Dickson, 20 February, 2015

    This is absolutely ridiculous. I was glad to see Rep. Wesselhoft has changed his mind on this issue (via public Facebook post this evening). We need MORE transparency of all the organs of the State, in particular law enforcement. The actions of the public, in a public place, do not have any expectation of privacy (legally) and they can be recorded without their consent – and so can the police.

    It is time to put cameras in courtrooms. It is time to end secrecy at all levels of government, and start protecting actual privacy of the public (hint hint – 4th Amendment). You want a real shocker, go look up what a “stinger” can do (force your cell phone to connect to it, then record everything you do on it – talk about warantless searches!). Our government is seriously out of control – the legislature needs to pass laws restricting the ability of the state to infringe upon our rights.

    By the way, Montana is about to ban all license plate readers. I think that’s awesome.

  2. Vernon Woods, 21 February, 2015

    Considering the other ridiculous legislation being propose, why am I not surprised? I know we elected some people with half a brain who do not want to harm the citizens – hopefully they will carefully read this crap and treat it with the disdain it deserves.

    What a year so far.

  3. TDC, 21 February, 2015

    There is a growing storm of disapproval of our Oklahoma legislature among voters. We took action in the early 90’s and enacted some really good reform measures, but we didn’t go far enough. It is time the voters of this state take matters into our own hands again and do the following:

    1. Amend term limits for the legislature and limit them all to 8 years
    2. Make the Oklahoma legislature subject to the open records laws in the state
    3. Enact strong voter recall laws that allow us to end the terms of nonperforming and problem legislators early

    We have a huge hole in the budget this year and these guys keep messing around with stupid bills that embarrass all of us. I am ready to canvass the neighborhoods with petitions and start collecting signatures.

  4. James Kilgore, 23 February, 2015

    Lets elect the energy company CEO’s after all our governor and law makers let them write there own tax laws. (remember the well tax) Didn’t take long for that to pass.


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