Hofmeister: Budget Cuts Will Create Teacher Crisis

Schools Superintendent Joy Hofmeister says budget cuts would be damaging to education: http://www.tulsaworld.com/newshomepage2/more-budget-cuts-will-increase-oklahoma-teacher-shortage-crisis-state/article_ee6bbe34-cd33-5c56-922c-4d751415ec76.html

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  1. castor, 19 March, 2015

    Got an idea, Mrs. Hofmeister: let’s create an administrator crisis! As in, let’s fire about 10-20% of all the administrators in the state and see if that helps divert some money to the classroom teachers.

    Also, why pay all teachers the same? Let’s take pay away from the bad ones and give it to the really good ones.

    Finally, there is one non-teacher for every teacher in the public schools. Let’s work to change that ratio to where teachers substantially outnumber the non-teachers.


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