Weston Releases List Of Endorsers


Republican Party Chairman Dave Weston has released a list of party officials and activists who endorse his reelection.

In an email, Weston wrote,

“Dear Delegate,

“When I was elected as your Chairman in 2013, I was honored and humbled to become the custodian of the legacy of the Republican Party and all the hard work that entailed. I was blessed to work with a great Central Committee and State Committee, and together we assembled a plan to build the infrastructure of the Party.

“Over the course of the last election cycle, we held seven candidate and activist training schools around the state. At each and every one of them, we stressed the importance of incorporating Republican Principles within the curriculum. We were honored and blessed to have many great subject matter experts from various fields agree to collaborate together to impart their strengths and share their knowledge with as many candidates as possible.

“When Dr. Coburn announced his early retirement from the Senate, the State Party set up candidate forums across the state during the Primary to ensure that every candidate had the opportunity to be heard. We streamed these online and worked with local radio stations to broadcast as well.

“The work that so many did was blessed with one of, if not the, largest win ratio in state history, 70%. That doesn’t even include the races that we won because Democrats failed to field a candidate.

“Oklahoma activists truly defended their title as the “Reddest State in the Nation;” and because of that, Steve Fair and I were able to work with the RNC to bring the Southern Republican Leadership Conference to Oklahoma City. This is Oklahoma’s best chance to have a substantive role in selecting who the conservative frontrunner for our nomination will be.

“There is much that we have accomplished, but there is still work to be done. We need to continue to build communications, improve our training and work to make resources even more available to our candidates, our counties, and our activists.

“I have been blessed to receive support from many activists and officials from across the state.  Below is a list of just some of those endorsements.
“I humbly ask for your vote of support at the Convention this Saturday, April 11th. Together, we can continue to build a strong, conservative party.



Dave Weston

Joy Hofmeister, Superintendent of Public Instruction

Jeff Hickman, Speaker of the House

Steve Fair, National Committeeman

Steve Edwards, Former State Party Chairman

Dewey & Victoria Bartlett Jr., Mayor of Tulsa

Tom Montgomery, CD2 Chairma

Wayne Watts, CD4 Chairman

Marjorie Brown, CD4 Vice Chairman

Holly Miller, CD5 Chairman

Sen. Brian Crain

Sen. Ron Justice

Sen. Ron Sharp

Sen. Joe Silk

Sen. Frank Simpson

Sen. Roger Thompson

Sen. Ervin Yen

Rep. Jeff Coody

Rep. Ann Coody

Rep. Travis Dunlap

Rep. Dennis Johnson

Rep. Chris Kannady

Rep. Mark Lepak & Linda

Rep. Scott Martin

Rep. Casey Murdock

Rep. Pat Ownbey

Rep. Sean Roberts

Rep. Earl Sears

Rep. Kevin Wallace

Rep. Harold Wright

Cleveland County Commissioner Harold Haralson & Sue

Cleveland County Commissioner Darry Stacy & Tash

Dewey County Commissioner Dillion Berry

District Attorney Angela Marsee

Cleveland County Sheriff Joe Lester

Mark Hamm, Moore City Council

Russell & Teresa Turner, Adair County Chairman

Dave Spaulding, Cleveland County

Allie & Sharon Burgin, Garvin County Chairman

Dwain Sehon, Grady County Chairman

Charlotte Smith, Kay County Chairman

Hope Sutterfield, Stephens County Chairman

Larry Heikkila, Cleveland County Vice Chairman

Jana Roberts, Cleveland County State Committeewoman

John Roberts, Cleveland County State Committeeman

John Greening, Cleveland County District Committeema

Bonnie Green, Cleveland County GOP Treasurer

Ken Feagins, Former State Committeeman Cleveland County

Bob Neidhart, Former District Committeeman Cleveland County

Bill & Georgia Williams, Comanche County Vice Chair

James Gottfried, Garvin County State Committeeman

Doris Gottfried, Garvin County State Committeewoman

Bill Schwenk, Grady County Vice Chairman

Letitia Bugner, Grady County GOP Treasurer

Seth Rott, Former State Committeeman Seminole County

Matt Blubaugh, Oklahoma County Activist

Caleb Humphrey, Cleveland County Activist

Eugene Markum, Garvin County Activis

Maureen Rudd, Garvin County Activist

Larry & Mary Stacy, Cleveland County Activists

Joyce Stockton, Grady County Secretary 

Cindy Sullivan, Oklahoma County Activist

Judy Wesselhoft, Cleveland County Activist

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  1. Bob, 09 April, 2015

    If the GOP wants more participants, they have GOT to have State Conventions that are quick and don’t last for 9 hours. I’m willing to help, they have got to do something or NO ONE will show up EVER!

  2. Edmond Voter, 09 April, 2015

    Other states have weekend conventions that are filled with training, meeting with candidates (national and state), etc. The problem with Oklahoma GOP Conventions is that we get there early, sit and listen to a bunch of speeches as they fill the time, and then we are worn out by the time the business starts. Maybe we should spend time on the business and not the speeches!

    I would also be willing to have a weekend meeting (2 days) if there were great training from the Leadership Institute for the activists, trainings for the county officers, trainings for candidates, etc. Then it would be worthwhile to take that time to prepare ourselves for the elections.

    Just an idea!


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