House Defeats Con-Con Measure

capitolvetThe Associated Press

The Oklahoma House has defeated legislation calling for a convention to consider amending the U.S. Constitution.

The House voted 56-42 Tuesday against legislation calling on Congress to convene a constitutional convention to consider amendments to restrict the federal government’s power, impose fiscal restraints on federal government spending and require term limits for members of Congress.

The measure’s House author, Republican Rep. Jon Echols of Oklahoma City, held the measure over for possible reconsideration of the vote.

About 30 states that have petitioned Congress for a constitutional convention to consider amendments. The constitution requires two-thirds of the 50 states, or 34, request a convention.

Opponents expressed concern that officials chosen to re-draft the federal constitution might try to limit individual freedoms it now guarantees.

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  1. Kevin, 21 April, 2015

    In theory, this would be a great idea. Limiting the feds’ power, term limits, etc, needs to be done. However, I have no doubt that the politicians would circumvent the entire process and we would end up with no individual freedoms much sooner than they already have planned.

  2. TDC, 22 April, 2015

    The current budget problems are due to a lack of political will power and discipline. Changing the Constitution will not magically fix that. Nobody will ever discuss where the biggest parts of federal spending go: federal pensions and healthcare. We could eliminate all of the defense spending and other stuff and we would still be in trouble because we spend too much on pensions, federal retirements and healthcare. These will never be fixed because there are too many people on the receiving end of the money flow (including a lot of republicans). Way too many people double and triple dip on taxpayer funded retirements and this needs to stop. The Con-Con is a dumb idea and a waste of time. We need to talk about the real financial drain on our country or we will never fix anything.

  3. Tom, 02 June, 2015

    No. 1 we are not calling for a Constitutional convention, we are calling for an Amending Convention of the States as the Constitution allows. Talk about the real financial drain on our country is not needed what is needed is action which you are not willing to do. I you were ask to march on Washington DC right now today to demand that congress write a balanced budget amendment and then stick to it. You would not show up. I have gone several times and taken the time to voice my concerns and demand that Washington follow the original Constitution. Sadly most people are all lips service and no action. Which is exactly what all those opposing An Article V Application are, all lips services and no action. So just keep this up and in less than 5 years maybe quicker if Hilary is elected you will loose all of the Constitution and you will loose all your liberties and freedom. One thing for sure if the Democrats win this next National Election the 1st and 2nd amendments are doomed and we will be precious blood when we could have followed the Constitution and done this legally.

  4. Cindy Nation, 30 April, 2015

    So much wrong information here, starting with the title of the article. First, this is not a Con-con. A constitutional convention would be able to write a constitution and an Article V convention of states can propose amendments to the constitution. READ Article V-it gives no authorization for a con con. Second, this is all about states rights. Congress has their nose in far too many things, such as the FCC regulating the internet, education and healthcare which they have ZERO authority for. The convention of states is about returning that power closer to home where the voice of the citizen is more likely to be heard! All amendments would be limited to the subject matter “to limit the size, power and scope of jurisdiction of the federal govt.” It would be the same process as if Congress were to propose an amendment-taking 38 states to ratify them. Just 13 states would be needed to scuttle a bad amendment. And if anyone thinks Congress or the federal bureaucracy would ever limit themselves you need to have your head examined. This movement is all about protecting the states and their citizens from what is happening in DC and it is the only way to stop the over reach of the federal leviathan from taking your freedoms away.


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