Statement from TC Ryan to The McCarville Report via Randy Brogdon
News of an unfortunate past experience I was a part of has recently resurfaced.
On one occasion I was involved in a domestic altercation that resulted in my admission of guilt to two misdemeanor charges. I regret both the circumstances that led to the incident and the fact that the incident occurred. This will forever be a mark on my past.
Since that incident, I have fulfilled all legal requirements and resolved to move forward in a positive and constructive manner. I have grown from this error and I fully believe that physical violence is wrong under all circumstances.
I offer my sincere apologies to all involved in the incident and to those that doubt my ability to function as a part of the staff at the Oklahoma Republican Party; I promise that a single past action is not an indicator of who I am today. I am grateful that Chairman Brogdon has shown grace and patience with me; he knows my heart and I am grateful for his acceptance of me.
I humbly look forward to continuing service on behalf of the Oklahoma Republican Party and acknowledge the trust placed in me; I recognize that some believe I do not deserve it; It is your prayers and support that I ask for as I continue to grow as a person and move beyond my past action.

Thank you TC for being a true gentleman in your words and actions. We all make mistakes and (hopefully) learn from them. Rick Warren said it best, “We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.”
Hang in there TC. We know this drama is not about you. It is about using your past error to help reclaim some hold on the state party that was lost this last election cycle.
Sour grapes and an easy political target that plays on the emotions of those not watching what is really going on.
Those that know you know how principled you are. Most of those that are speaking out against you know how principled you are too and they probably fear it.
TC you speak out of both sides of your mouth it seems. You admitted you beat a woman right? You hit a woman right? You are no gentleman and any one who thinks you are well deluded is a good word here. Those that know you must have some secret desire to do the same.Sour grapes is not correct here what is here is watch a party destroy a state- Watch a party that does not care about Veterans, education and the poor, elderly and disabled of the state flourish that the real story. Watch a party want to take away all citizens rights and live as they think they should and based on your past I guess that is domestic violence and lying