Hernandez Details Brogdon Meeting


Republican Party Vice Chair Estela Hernandez this afternoon sent this email to members of the Party Executive Committee; The McCarville Report obtained a copy:

Good afternoon all,

It is an honor to serve as Vice Chair and work in the best interest of
the OK Republican Party. It had also been a pleasure working with our elected
Chairman, Randy Brogdon until today.

As you are aware, a very public press conference took place against the issue of Domestic Violence today at the State Capitol. As an appointed Commissioner on the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women, I attended in support of women who have been affected by this issue.

Following the press conference, I went to GOP HQ for a staff meeting with Randy. Instead of a staff meeting, it was a heated discussion between him and I.

He proceeded to tell me the reason he is keeping me out of any communication and involvement in the party is because I’m not fulfilling my duties as Vice Chair. That my duties are to “aid and assist the State Chairman in all of his duties and to carry out the agenda of the Chairman.”

He feels I should not speak out against his decisions to keep TC Ryan on staff. And consequently, states that he will not approve any of my speaking engagements to any of the counties and refuses to do any future travel reimbursements to the Vice Chair. He’s angry that I spoke my mind and told the facts on how the OKGOP is being administered and how I’m being excluded from any involvement, when asked at the OK County Executive Committee meeting. Please note that my answer was in response to concerns from individuals not receiving party information.

In our staff meeting, he mentioned he had not received any resolutions from anyone. Since I was at the press conference and I was headed to headquarters, I brought OK County’s resolution and hand delivered it to Randy. After the delivery of the resolution, he stormed off and ended the meeting by saying “This further proves my point you are not fulfilling the duties of Vice Chair.”

I will not let this incident discourage me. I will continue to work hard on behalf of the OK Republican Party and fulfill the duties I was elected to do. If you have any questions or need to contact me, please feel free to call my cell 405-209-5664.


State Vice Chair
Oklahoma Republican Party

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  1. Paul Cardin, 25 June, 2015

    Maybe I’m misreading the rules, but it looks to me like Rule 19(g) shows how to deal with Chairman Brogdon.


  2. Troy Fullerton, 25 June, 2015

    Better download your own copy of the rules—you never know when they’re going to be removed from the state GOP website—like the district contact information was.


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