Ten legislators, a top statewide office-holder and others today announced their support of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush in the Republican presidential primary.
The announcement came as Texas Senator Ted Cruz was in the midst of an impressive trip through the state, drawing sizeable crowds and considerable media attention.
The Bush campaign said those endorsing him include Treasurer Ken Miller and House Speaker Jeff Hickman:
Rep. Mike Sanders – Chair of A&B Transportation Subcommittee
Rep. Jeff Hickman – Speaker of the House
Rep. Lee Denney – Speaker Pro-Tempore
Rep. Earl Sears – Chairman of Appropriations
Rep. Scott Biggs – Vice-Chairman of Agriculture
Rep. Mark McBride – Vice-Chairman of Energy
Treasurer Ken Miller – State Treasurer
Rep. Casey Murdock – Vice-Chairman of Transportation
Rep. Ann Coody – Chairwoman-Education
Rep. John Montgomery
Sen. Corey Brooks – Vice-Chair Public Safety
Mr. Ryan Leonard – Attorney
Ambassador Francis Rooney
Treasurer Ken Miller – “I greatly admire Jeb’s commitment to principled leadership by placing good policy over political expediency and strongly support his approach to reforming Washington D.C. inaction and inefficiency. As an economist, I am particularly interested in Jeb’s goal of getting our nation’s economy to a 4% growth rate, which is achievable with a president who can unleash our national potential. I trust he won’t settle for anything less than a robust economy that provides better opportunities for all Oklahomans.” – Ken Miller’s
Representative Mike Sanders – “The Republican Party needs a strong nominee with a proven record of creating jobs for the middle class, a passion for ensuring that our national workforce is prepared for the new economic realities, and a commitment to taking the conservative message to every corner of this nation. We’ve seen what inexperience and bad ideas can do to our country for the last eight years. We need an experienced, engaged leader with ideas and a proven record of getting things done. That leader is Jeb Bush.”
Speaker Jeff Hickman – “I’m proud to endorse for President a proven leader with a strong record of economic success as Governor of Florida. He is committed to embracing our national energy revolution which has strong implications for our economy here in Oklahoma. I have no doubt he will reign in the many federal regulatory agencies whose overreach is destroying jobs and opportunity all over this country. Jeb is the right man to lead our party and country, and I plan to do everything I can to help him win our important primary election in Oklahoma and the other states he needs to secure the Republican nomination.”