Governing Magazine profiles Attorney General Scott Pruitt.

Governing Magazine profiles Attorney General Scott Pruitt.
This is an excellent article which demonstrates that we, as taxpayers, are paying for way too many trial lawyers in Pruitt’s stable.
His actions seem to be mostly partisan dogfights against Obama (some of which I agree with) in the name of state’s rights’, but conversely, he also has no problem with attempting to force federal laws to override laws in other states when it suites him.
And now suing his own state to declare that our State Constitution is actually unconstitutional really takes the cake.
The ambulance chaser is using public money to make a bigger name for himself in anticipation of future election. His poor record of winning his Pollyanna law suites would probably not make him very desirable to a private law firm.
Thank goodness Scott Pruitt is standing up for the federal system that the Founders gave us in the United States Constitution. Sue away, Scott! And hire some more lawyers to strike more blows against federal overreach.
Mary just assigned to him a task that actually falls under his job description – investigating the Hugo Regent. I hope he takes a break from his lawsuit agenda to perform the job he was hired to do (and he certainly doesn’t need more lawyers to do this).
Mr. Castor, the Oklahoma State Constitution is not subject to federal overreach – neither are the state laws of Colorado. The phrase ’tilting at windmills’ comes to mind whenever I read about his next court filing.