Surprise: Hundreds Of HD85 GOP Voters Voted For Democrat Cyndi Munson


The Oklahoma County Election Board reports that more registered Republican voters turned out for the special election in House District 85  than Democrats and Independents combined.

Rep. Cyndi Munson, Democrat, won by 372 votes even though there were 645 more registered Republicans than Democrats at the polls on Election Day.

Election figures show:

  • 2674 Republicans voted (or 54.3% of total turnout)
  • 2029 Democrats voted (or 41.1% of total turnout)
  • 225 Independents voted (or 4.56% of the total turnout)

Some say (see comments below) that dissident Republicans upset because their choice, Ralph Crawford, didn’t win the primary, voted for Munson rather than Carter in the general special election. Crawford got 806 votes in the primary. Matt Jackson got 538 and Amy Plumbo got 400.

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  1. Stuart, 17 September, 2015

    I didn’t get my way, so I’m voting for the Democrat!? Wow! If this is the way it’s going to be – we’re in trouble as a Party!
    Just sayin’…

  2. Ann, 17 September, 2015

    I agree completely with what the GOP did in this situation. A person should not vote for a party simply because that is the party they are affiliated with. People should vote for who they believe to be the better choice, and in this case it was Cyndi. The GOP knew Carter was a poor choice for a candidate with his malicious attacks on other GOP candidates and poor demeanor during his entire campaign; therefore, they did not support him in the general election.

  3. B.L. Cozad Jr, 17 September, 2015

    If the GOP establishment idiots will not vote for the liberty candidates then to hell with the GOP.

    The GOP establishment better learn it will be the Republican liberty candidates or they will get the Democrat.

    Personally I’m NEVER going to vote for a GOP establishment traitor (the lesser of two evils) again.

  4. B.L. Cozad Jr, 18 September, 2015

    I will vote for EVERY GOP libertarian candidate.

  5. Sarah, 18 September, 2015

    Is it so hard to believe that maybe, just maybe, the voters of HD 85 aren’t mindless, partisan sheep? Maybe, just maybe, they did their research, listened to the issues, and voted for person they determined was the better candidate who they believed would represent their real interests better at the Capitol? I know, it sounds crazy, but maybe that’s what happened here.

  6. Ron, 18 September, 2015

    Unless Jesus is running for office, EVERY vote is for the lesser of evils. If we are not willing to vote for the lesser of evils, we will either:
    A) Vote for the greater of evils, or
    B) Never vote again.

  7. Jody, 19 September, 2015

    I agree with Sarah. Cyndi Munson got 44% of the vote in 2014 against popular incumbent Rep. David Dank. Maybe she just worked harder and connected better with voters even though she was outspent 2 to 1. Maybe the Democratic Party is going win a lot more in 2016 because voters finally realize the Republican candidates have to pay back their big business donors rather than making the best decision for the people.


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