Chad Alexander Leaves Majority Designs

Majority Designs announced today that Chad Alexander has chosen to leave as a partner in the company due to potential conflicts in his new duties as executive director of the Coalition for Oklahoma’s Future, an independent expenditure organization.

“We wish Chad well in his endeavor and expect to work with him on a project by project basis where appropriate,” said Trebor Worthen, who is the managing partner of Majority Designs. “While he is no longer a partner in Majority Designs, he remains a great friend to us, and we look forward to working with him on projects where no conflict exists.”

The restructuring occurred as a result of the firm wishing to remain in complete compliance with Oklahoma Ethics rules, which prohibit the coordination of campaign activities between candidate committees and other committees that may engage in independent expenditure activities.

“We believe in always following both the letter and the spirit of the law, and this is an example of our efforts to do just that,” said Worthen. “The best way for us to avoid even the appearance of any coordination or conflict was to restructure our business, which was no small task.”

Majority Designs is a full service direct mail and political consulting firm based in Oklahoma City. The firm and its partners have won numerous
national awards for their direct mail products, as well as their work on various political campaigns.

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