Oklahoma Delegation Reacts to SCOTUS Illegal Immigrant Ruling

jason2By Jason Doyle Oden

The Oklahoma delegation is calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s four-to-four ruling striking down President Obama’s illegal immigration executive order a victory. The President issued the order two years ago which kept parents who were in the country illegally but had American citizen children from being deported.

Senator James Lankford said the ruling stops the Obama Administration’s overreach.

lankfordcap“President Obama’s plan to change immigration law unilaterally is a clear overstep of our nation’s founding principle—the separation of powers. Congress has the sole authority to write laws and, today, the Supreme Court’s decision underscores the importance of the equal distribution of powers between three equal branches of government. The President cannot pick and choose which laws he likes and which he does not like. Immigration policy is too important for any president to just make it up as they go,” said Lankford.

Congressman Frank Lucas echoed Lankford’s sentiment and believes the key is to enforce the laws on the books.

lucas“We are a nation of laws,” said Lucas. “And until the White House actually enforces the rules on the book, our country’s immigration system will remain broken. Today’s ruling is a major victory for the Constitution and separation of powers. I hope the court’s actions send a clear message to President Obama that he cannot unilaterally force his liberal agenda on the American people.”

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