Pinnell Raises More than Quarter Million in Lt. Governor’s Race

More than a quarter million dollars have flowed into Matt Pinnell’s campaign since he announced his intention to run for Lt. Governor in 2018. The former Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman said Monday his campaign collected more than $300,000 in ten weeks. Both Oklahomans and out of state interests have donated money.

“I am incredibly grateful for the overwhelming support from hardworking Oklahomans around our state and conservative leaders from all across the country,” said Pinnell. “While this is a great start to the campaign, we have a long way to go over the next 11 months. I will continue to tirelessly travel across the state to spread our conservative message for a proud, prosperous Oklahoma and to expand our growing network of supporters and volunteers.”

The first campaign finance reports for the 2018 election cycle are due by July 31st. Pinnell’s report has yet to be posted to the Oklahoma Ethics Commission website.

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