Hofmeister Case Dismissed

Late Tuesday afternoon, a motion to dismiss felony charges against State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister, political consultant Fount Holland, Trump advisor Stephanie Milligan, former Cooperative Council of Oklahoma School Administration Steven Crawford and former Oklahoma Education Association Lela Odom was filed. According to the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office, while the charges have been dropped, an investigation into the alleged campaign violations continues.

Hofmeister found out the charges were being dismissed Tuesday morning. It became public late Friday afternoon. The court document showing the dismissal of the charges can be found here.

“This is a joyful day for me and my family. And a day for which we have long anticipated,” said Hofmeister during an early evening news conference at the Oklahoma Department of Education’s Headquarters. Her family and employees of the Department stood behind her while she faced the cameras and microphones.

“For nine months, I’ve had to conduct my life in the shadow of unjust and untrue accusations, but I knew the truth. I knew I was innocent. I knew that I could not and I would not focus on anything but kids. And I would not be distracted from the work I was elected to do.”

Hofmeister thanked her family for their support.

“I am grateful for the dismissal of all charges against me. I am thankful for the love of my family, my husband, my children, my parents and my sisters. This was not easy for them,” she said.

The State Superintendent also expressed appreciation for the support she received from Oklahomans.

“I am humbled by all the help I have received from Oklahomans throughout the state. Words of support. Kindness. Those who I didn’t know and those who I work with daily. Teachers. Strangers in the grocery store, at restaurants, in the airport and on social media who made a point to encourage me; to tell me they believed in me.”

Hofmeister asserted that the ordeal did not distract her from focusing on the children and improving Oklahoma’s public education system.

“It has been challenging to sit by quietly throughout this ordeal, but I could not and would not allow wrongful accusations to become a distraction when now more than ever Oklahoma school children need and deserve a champion for high quality, competitive education.”

Hofmeister’s attorney, Gary Wood also answered questions from the media. When asked if he knew the reason for the dismissal he told the media, “No.”

Additionally, he didn’t know about the continuing investigation.

“I’m not sure what investigation would still be ongoing after three years. This is a case that’s been around out there for three years and you would think that the investigation would be complete prior to the filing of charges, rather than ongoing at this time after charges were filed,” Wood said.

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater confirmed while the charges were dropped for now, the investigation continues.

“The investigation is ongoing. We have received additional information on one or more of the defendants in the case. We intend to further investigate the case rather than moving forward with the preliminary hearing at this time. Statutory limitations on refiling is not an issue,” Prater said.

Hofmeister is looking ahead to the 2018 elections. She plans to stand for re-election next year.

“I committed to running again. I have more work to do. This is a job that allows two four-year terms. I planned to run. That is not news. That is something that we committed to do actually a year ago in August. We will continue to fight for what kids need and deserve,” said Hofmeister.

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  1. castor, 03 August, 2017

    The charges were dismissed without prejudice, so they could be refiled. The lengthy affidavit filled with the original charges seemed to point to a likelihood of conviction if the facts alleged could be proved. Keep watching this one.


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