Key Leading Group Wanting to Change Leadership Power Over Legislation

Former Representative Charles Key is leading an effort to make sure bills are heard in the Legislature. His group filed paperwork Monday with the Ethics Commission to circulate an initiative petition which could require at least one bill from each legislator to be heard each year.

Key’s group wants to limit the power legislative leadership and committee chairs have over bills. As the rules stand now, they can keep a measure from making it to a committee agenda or a chamber floor. Key believes this gives special interest groups more sway over legislation than the citizens who voted for their representatives and senators.

“For example, a legislator might file a bill that a certain controlling special interest group does not want, then a Committee Chairman or Leadership will not allow it to be heard, because they are beholden to that special interest. That kind of heavy-handed action should be prohibited and is a corruption of one of the most important aspects of our political system – representative government,” Key’s group said in a press release.

The group will release more information and begin circulating its petition after the holidays.

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  1. Tom, 19 December, 2017

    Good for Charles Key! The leadership is much too controlling and oriented towards special interests, instead of the folks who elected them. Same goes for the Governor! Has she ever suggested there be a cut in spending, anywhere?


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